UI - General Functions
Functions you can use to make UI. These functions are usable outside of the phone and you don't need to use them to make UI.
Wrap a text - aphone.GUI.WrapText(string text, string font, number maxWidth)
CREDITS - This function come from : https://github.com/FPtje/DarkRP/blob/master/gamemode/modules/base/cl_util.lua
Return the material of the background
aphone.GUI.RoundedBox(int x, int y, int w, int h, int round_value)
Return a poly with the rounded box inside. You need to draw it with surface.DrawPoly
Calling this function on every display is very expensive. You have to store it in a variable and use surface.DrawPoly
aphone.GUI.GenerateCircle(int x, int y, int r)
Return a poly. You need to draw it with surface.DrawPoly
Calling this function on every display is very expensive. You have to store it in a variable and use surface.DrawPoly
Will set the text color to aphone:Color("Text_White") on hovered. If not, will set it to aphone:Color("Text_White120")
PANEL:Phone_DrawTop(int panel_w, int panel_h, bool darktheme)
Draw top bar with time, wifi picture
Will paint the VBar ( Right Bar ) and fade it when it's not used for 0.5 sec
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