UI - Required Functions
You need to use these functions to make a perfectly responsive/adapted UI for the phone
On multiple dermas create, you must use this function on the parent of all dermas to remove the cursor. You only need to call this function once
If you don't use this function, you will see the mouse cursor at the left of your screen on 3D mode
This function will return scaled values depending on screen size and phone mode. You need to use this on "magic numbers" if you don't scale your UI with the parameters mainx and mainy provided by app:Open()
3D Mode : 5, 10, 15, 20
2D Mode : 3.25 6.5 9.75 13
PANEL:Phone_AskTextEntry( string text, int max_char, panel panel_resize, int panel_wide, bool resize_onlytargetpnl)
You need to call this on a panel with SetText. A good panel for this would be DLabel
Text that will be set on the DTextEntry at init
Max Char
Maximum characters
Panel to resize if the text is too long
Panel Wide
Wide of the panel, if not specified, will take the panel_resize wide
Resize Only Target Panel
False : Resize PANEL AND panel_resize
True : Resize only panel_resize
Last updated
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