Create a new weapon config
To add skins on a specific weapon
Last updated
To add skins on a specific weapon
Last updated
Oh no, we don't have a skin on M9K_SUPERWEAPON ! We want to create a config for that.
Get your weapon class and keep it somewhere: Open your spawnlist, go to weapons, right-click on the weapon you want to add and copy it to the clipboard. Now, we will call the copied value: M9K_SUPERWEAPON
Open menu
Go to Parameters
Hover "weapon skins" and click on the "+", this will looks like this one:
Put M9K_SUPERWEAPON in the only available field ( Weapon class ) and send it.
Select M9K_SUPERWEAPON in the list, after clicking on "Weapon skins".
Now, you have 2 box. One for the viewmodel, one for the worldmodel. For a quick explanation, viewmodel is the skin you see in first person. World model is the third-person weapon model, or the weapons other players have, for your perspective.
For each of them, you have at the left:
A list of enchantment table text. Each of them has a checkbox and a save button.
Each of these checkboxes will maybe put white paint on the model display on the right when you click on them. This is the part where the weapon skins will be displayed.
You can move the camera position, in the model display, to see the changes after clicking on the checkboxes.
When you are happy, don't forget to click on save for every changed checkbox.
Done ! You can now use weapon skins on this weapon.