After your first start/In-game config

After you did file configuration, and workshop

Type "ashop_scanMissingWeapons" in your server console. This will automatically find any missing pre-made weapon configurations.

Now, you can put NPCs to help opening the menu, or let players use the OpenKey you defined in your sh_config, or let players use the ashop_menu command in their console.

If you want to put NPC, go in your spawnlist -> Entities -> AShop -> AShop. Place them and after everything, type this in your console: 'ashop_SaveNPCs'. You need to be superadmin to do this command. ashop_RemoveNPCs to remove them if you want to start again after saving.

Client console commands you will need to know:

ashop_menu: Open the menu

ashop_OpenClothesMenu: Open the radial menu to equip/unequip accessories.

ashop_OpenTauntMenu: Open the radial menu to do taunts/wOs anims.

Great, everything is setup now. You can jump to the configuration part.

For every tutorial: To go into the parameters tab, YOU NEED TO BE SUPERADMIN ! Else, you won't see the tab !

Last updated