Create Sub Object Type
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In AShop, you can create childs of a main object type. You can use this to create sub-categories of a category, this is useful in cases like:
You want to restrict 1 effect on legs, and 1 effect on torso. You create a sub-category for legs and torso, of the effect object type, and restrict the equip amount to 1.
This is also useful to create new category of accessories. We will create, step-by-step, a sub object types, for accessory on belt.
Go to the menu, ashop_menu
Hover object_types, you will see a "+" on the right of object_types:
Click on the "+".
In the form, we put "Belt" in the name field. And we select "Accessories" as the parent object type.
You did it ! You can select it and create items now.
If you want to delete it, in the list, right click on it, and select remove.